Building Bridges

Working toward the Building of Bridges
between the scattered "islands" of
God's Church


What’s New?

July 6: A Biblical History of the Jews: Part 77

June 29: Children of Belial

June 22: A Biblical History of the Jews: Part 76

June 16: A Pentecost Bible Study

June 15: A Biblical History of the Jews: Part 75

June 1: A Biblical History of the Jews: Part 74

May 18: A Biblical History of the Jews: Part 73

May 11: A Scriptural History of Mary: Part 8


For older sermons or Bible studies in MP3 Audio,
please visit our
Sermons Page

Notable "Bridge-Building" Messages

Brian Orchard
Why Do We Fellowship?

C. Wayne Cole
Are You Ready?

Ben Faulkner
A Call to Unity

Stephen Glover
1: A Marvellous Work and a Wonder!

2. The Greater Works

Mike James
Unity and Me

Artificial Boundaries

For sermon transcripts
please visit our
Articles and Transcripts Page

Other Useful Links

Our Statement of Beliefs

Holy Day Calendar

Sunset and New Moon Times and Dates

Sabbath Food Sermons

Especially for our Young People

QBIBLE: Interlinear Hebrew Old Testament

Kings of Israel and Judah

Cutaway View of Solomon’s Temple

Bible Summaries by Chapter
(Click on “Summaries”)

Ambassador College Lectures

The "Moving Easy" mild exercise program


Most of the best technology that exists on earth
is right here ... inside us!

Dr. Ben Oliveira
(Orthopaedic surgeon and Anatomy Expert
Nottingham University, England)

This page last updated: July 6, 2024